As it's the anniversary of Queen Mary I's birth, on 18th February 1516, I thought I'd share some Mary I resources with you. We have so many Mary I resources - videos, quizzes, expert talks... Enjoy!
You can also view our Mary I Primary Sources page.
On this day videos
- 18 February – The birth of Queen Mary I
- 6 March – Juan Luis Vives and the young Mary I
- 5 October – A betrothal for Princess Mary (Mary I)
- 15 June – Mary is bullied
- 19 August – A defiant but polite Mary I
- 19 July – Mary I is proclaimed queen
- 3 August – Mary I and Elizabeth process through London
- 30 September – A coronation procession for Queen Mary I
- 1 October – Mary I’s coronation and a sumptuous feast
- 13 October – Mary I’s secret meetings with ambassadors in disguise
- 1 February – Mary I’s rousing speech
- 25 July – Mary I gets married
- 26 August – A devastated Mary I prepares to be abandoned
- March 30 – A “pregnant” Mary I makes her will
- 17 November – The queen is dead! Long live the queen!
- 14 December – Mary I is buried
- Queen Mary I and her reign quiz
- Mary I or Elizabeth I Quiz
- Mary I True or False Quiz
- Mary I’s ladies
- Gareth Russell talks about Mary I
- Mary I - The good, the bad and the ugly
- The treatment of Mary Tudor (Mary I) Part 1
- The treatment of Mary Tudor (Mary I) Part 2
- The treatment of Mary Tudor (Mary I) Part 3
- Robert Wingfield’s Vitae Mariae – A first-hand account of the events of July 1553
- A timeline of the events of 1553
- Expert Talk – Mary I – Samantha Wilcoxson
Further Reading and Sources
- Mary Tudor: The First Queen by Linda Porter
- Mary Tudor by David Loades
- Mary Tudor: Princess, Bastard, Queen by Anna Whitelock
You can also browse further Mary I resources, such as articles, by simply using the site search box.
And here are some portraits of Mary I:
- Philip of Spain and Mary I
- Mary I
- Philip of Spain and Mary I
- I
Happy Birthday Princess Mary, the true born daughter of King Henry Viii and Queen Katharine of Aragon, future Queen of England, Ireland, France and Lady of Wales. 💝💞💜💜💖💖😎💝🎁🎂🎂👑👑👑🌹🌹