Sources for finding out more about life in Tudor times.
[Read More...]Reviewers needed for a fantastic new Wars of the Roses fiction novel – “The Claimant”.
[Read More...]Our December talk is by Linda Porter, author of “Crown of Thistles: The Fatal Inheritance of Mary, Queen of Scots”. In this talk, Linda looks at the lives of three queens of England – Katherine Parr, Mary I and Mary, Queen of Scots.
The live chat will be on Monday 15th December at 7:30pm UK Time (That’s 2:30pm Eastern time/11:30am Pacific time/8:30pm Central European Time).
[Read More...]This is our BUMPER CHRISTMAS magazine, with an amazing 108 pages packed with facts, stories and fun related to the Tudor period, and of course to Christmas too!
[Read More...]Claire and Tim talk about the illustrations in their latest book.
[Read More...]Download your very own digital version of “Illustrated Kings and Queens of England” by Claire Ridgway here!
[Read More...]Today is the anniversary of the death of Sir John Harington in 1612. As well as being a courtier, author and godson of Elizabeth I, Harington was an inventor and is known for his flush toilet, or flush water closet.
[Read More...]We’re really sorry that the site went down and hope you can understand and forgive us…
[Read More...]Just a reminder that Karen Bowman, this month’s expert speaker, will be joining us for a live chat later today.
[Read More...]