The Tudor Society

Courtiers and royal progresses – Claire Chats video

The summer months were the traditional time for the monarch and his/her consort to get out of smelly and disease-ridden London and to go on royal progress.

Now although the monarch owned many properties and estate dotted around the country, s/he would also 'honour' courtiers by choosing to visit them and stay with them while on progress. Can you imagine what a mixed blessing this was? How honoured you'd feel to be on the itinerary, but how worried you'd be at the cost of impressing the king or queen!

In this week's Claire Chats video talk, I give some examples of courtiers who welcomed monarchs into their homes, just what was involved, what they did to try and impress, and what happened.

My Claire Chats video talk on Henry VIII's 1541 progress can be found here and you can also enjoy Natalie Grueninger's talk on royal progresses here.

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