The Tudor Society

The Tudors are loved all over the world!

The Tudor Society has been here for almost seven years now. In 2014, Tim and Claire founded this incredible society for people to come together and share their interest and knowledge with each other. Perhaps you have been with us since the start or joined us only recently, but one thing that we know is that the Tudors are loved all over the world.

With today’s technology we are able to see where all of our lovely members and followers live. Don’t freak out, we can only see in which country you live, but of course we can’t see that you live in Amsterdam, Netherlands or Houston, Texas for example. Since we found out that you live all over the place, we thought we would share this information to showcase how far the love for the Tudors reaches.


To kick this off, we started looking at where all our lovely members come from. The majority of you live in the USA and Canada, but a good one third is settled in Great Britain. But that’s not all! Because we also have some great members in Australia, New Zealand and Europe. This is all the chart lets us know, because the remaining 0.8% lives in ‘the rest’ of the world. Since we want to appreciate all of you and connect you with each other, we would love to know where you are based. Let us know in the comments!


Social media

On Instagram we discovered that most of our amazing followers are just like our members from English speaking countries. One difference however, is that we also have quite a number of followers who live in Brazil.
Facebook is luckily a bit more specific and doesn’t show Europe as one, but as all the individual countries. In this way we can see that most of our Facebook followers in Europe live in Italy and Germany. We even have followers in India, Chile, South-Africa, Russia and many more.


We recently started doing biweekly Tudor updates through a newsletter (sign up here). The USA is again where most of you reside. Followed by the UK. But we also have readers in the United Arab Emirates, Ukraine and Indonesia amongst many others including Belgium.

And even the people behind the Tudor Society live in different countries such as Spain, The Netherlands, the USA and the UK. We are grateful for all of our followers and hope the community will grow even more. But one thing we have learned is that there are Tudor lovers all over the place! Have we mentioned your country?

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