Richard III
Many of you will have read my low-down on the events in Tudor Life magazine, but here are some of the events happening today and links to keep you updated on them:
- 10.30am (some say 10.45am) – Procession of significant guests from Leicester Guildhall to Leicester Cathedral.
- 11.30am - Service of Reinterment of the Remains of King Richard III in the presence of the Most Right Reverend Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury and senior clergy from both dioceses, and other Christian denominations alongside representatives of the World Faiths. Invitation only. It will be broadcast line on the UK's Channel 4.
- 5.15pm – Solemn Choral Evensong at York Minster, York. The Very Reverend Vivienne Faull, Dean of York Minster, explains “On the evening of the re-interment of King Richard III it is right that the people of York and Yorkshire will have the opportunity to gather in the Minster to pray and to remember the death of the King at the battle of Bosworth in 1485. The service of Choral Evensong will include a prayer composed for the service by the Dean of Leicester. I am glad the cathedrals of both York and Leicester will take the opportunity of the re-interment to give thanks for the peace of our realm and to pray for reconciliation for those who are caught up in conflict in our own day.”
- 7.30pm – Requiem Mass in the style Richard III would have known at St Catherine’s Church, Stanifield Lane, Farington, Leyland, PR25 4QG. Sung High Latin Mass with Singers of the Laeta Cantoribus Choir, followed by a light Buffet with wine. For further details telephone 01772 421174 or Mobile 07533 029622.
UK viewers will be able to watch live coverage on Channel 4 but the King Richard in Leicester website is also covering the reinterment on their site and on Twitter - http://kingrichardinleicester.com/the-reinterment-of-king-richard-iii-live/ and https://twitter.com/KRIIILeicester
Those outside the UK can listen to proceedings on BBC Leicester at http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/player/bbc_radio_leicester
The Telegraph is also giving regular updates at http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/earth/environment/archaeology/11495617/Reburial-of-Richard-III-live.html
As is the BBC at http://www.bbc.com/news/live/uk-england-leicestershire-32021350
And the Leicester Mercury is also covering it - http://www.leicestermercury.co.uk/King-Richard-III-reinterment-Live/story-26212527-detail/story.html and http://www.leicestermercury.co.uk/richardIII
Orders of service can be found at http://www.leicestermercury.co.uk/Richard-III-reinterment-Order-service/story-26235881-detail/story.html and http://kingrichardinleicester.com/orders-of-service-print-off-and-follow-along/
Also, for those who can’t get Channel 4 in the US, the service is on radio at http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/player/bbc_radio_leicester
Thank you so much, James, I’ve just added that to the list.
Excellent comprehensive list, Claire. Generally very pleased with the dignity and respect shown to Richard by the public, media, historians and Leicestershire. A few errors and one rude historian, but most have been seriously respectful and debates good natured and well informed. Thanks for hosting tributes and articles on the week and Richard lll here at the Tudor Society and on the sister Anne Boleyn files. I am quietly reliving this extraordinary week, still taking it all in.
I used arcvpn to be able to watch bbc outside the UK 🙂 too cool
I was finally able to enjoy the full coverage weeks later as my husband was ill at the time, but we have both watched all the programs several times now as I had recorded them. It’s good to be able to still get them online and the DVD of course. I had to delete them to make room, but you can still link to them. Of course even better was being able to visit the tomb a few times now, very emotional the first time, last year, but great to take Steve this year, having nearly lost him last year. The book of hours was on display last year and a copy is there now, but the modern paintings from local children based on his prayers and hours are very vivid and bright. The Pall from his coffin is on display in the Cathedral and I love the idea of people who were in Richard’s contemporary life on one side and those who have been involved in his discovery and reinternment on the other. With the Guildhall and the new centre and the original burial place, plus the peaceful gardens, the entire experience is all together and wonderful. Leicester need to sort out the lack of accessible parking but at least all the sites are not too far from each other. It was a fantastic day both times.