The Tudor Society

Live chat reminders – 13 (tomorrow!) and 28 April

Just a reminder about tomorrow's informal live chat on the merry subject of death and burial in Tudor times! Sorry about the topic! Still, it will be interesting to talk about the rituals associated with death and to share resources and book recommendations. Please do come, if you are able to.

Here are the times for the chat in different time zones:

We also have an expert live chat this month, a Q&A session with Nathen Amin on his recent talk on the Beauforts. This will take place on Sunday 28th April. One lucky chat participant will win a copy of Nathen's book "The House of Beaufort".

You can view Nathen's talk at

Here are the times for the chat in different time zones:

Both chat sessions will last an hour and will take place in the Tudor Society chatroom -

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