The Tudor Society

Celebrate spring with the two Catherine’s

Today is the first day of Spring! As a celebration of this joyous occasion, we chose two spring looking portraits and moments from two of Henry VIII’s wives to talk about. 

Catherine of Aragon

In late spring, on the 11th of June 1509, Catherine married Henry VIII. At only 17 years old, Henry was quite a catch. Although their marriage ended unhappily after 24 years, in the beginning they were a happy couple. The pair was known as a powerful political team and he trusted her completely. They also had joined interests such as riding and hunting, which they enjoyed doing together. 

Information from the Historic Royal Palaces and The Anne Boleyn Files.

Interested in learning more about Catherine of Aragon? You can take a look at these articles:
- Read 'Coronation procession of King Henry and Catherine.'
- Read 'The pregnancies of Catherine of Aragon.'



Catherine Parr

On the 25th of April, when the daisies start popping up, the book “Psalms or Prayers” was published in the year of 1544. The original Latin work was translated by Catherine. Although it was published anonymously, there is circumstantial evidence pointing towards the Queen. There were a number of bills in the queen’s accounts that summer for further copies of “a book”. It is said that she ordered four crimson velvet bound copies of the book and that she kept one of those with her until her death in 1548. 

Information from The Anne Boleyn Files and The Tudor Society

Interested in learning more about Catherine Parr? You can read or watch more here:
- Watch 'Catherine Parr publishes a book.'
- Read 'Catherine Parr.'


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Celebrate spring with the two Catherine’s