The Tudor Society

Anne Boleyn Day live chats

I'm not sure how many of you managed to join in with Anne Boleyn Day 2017 on the Anne Boleyn Files website and Facebook page, but I thought I'd share with you these videos of the Facebook live chats I did. You can see the other videos from the day on the Anne Boleyn Day 2017 playlist on YouTube - click here.

Introduction from Anne Boleyn Day 2017:

About Anne Boleyn's Execution:

The final resting places of Anne Boleyn and the five men:

There are 2 comments Go To Comment

  1. L

    I admire Anne too. She was born in the wrong era. With her intelligence, social skills, assertiveness, and generosity, she would have become a successful politician, attorney, CEO, celebrity actress- whatever she wanted to do. I doubt she seduced the king with her wiles- he pursued her, unfortunately.

  2. L

    Actually, not completely unfortunately, because Queen Elizabeth was born. I believe Anne’s genes were the dominant ones in Elizabeth. I’ve seen it before. My husband says my genes “beat up” his in our son. Our son is so much like me, in looks and character…I’m glad he didn’t inherit my moodiness.

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Anne Boleyn Day live chats