The Tudor Society

Slut Shaming – Expert talk by Kyra Kramer

This month's expert is Kyra Kramer, talking about Anne Boleyn and comparing her to Jezabel... take it away Kyra!

There are 4 comments Go To Comment

  1. C

    This was very interesting! Thank you!

  2. A

    This is how I see Anne Boleyn as well. I portrayed her as really a victim of the king’s lust in my novel, AT THE MERCY OF THE QUEEN. I love all the feminist theology interspersed throughout. And look at the way some folks are going after Hillary–misogyny is alive and well, even in first world countries. Sad.

  3. K

    I truly loved the information and analysis of Anne B and Henry’s unrelenting obsession of her. I truly believe the analysis was spot on. The comparison of the historic information about Jezebel and Ahab was also intruiging and well worth contemplating. However, once Kyra launched into current events, I was very disappointed. Not that I don’t agree with her observations, I subscribe to the Tudor Society to get a better glimpse of the past, rather than analyzing the present. I may get a lot of grief about my comments, but if that is so, so be it.

  4. B

    This was very interesting, however, the analysis of current presidential candidates was a bit much. If one looks at the facts surrounding Hillary Clinton, you will find that she is well known for ‘sl*t shaming’ her husband’s victims. I’ll leave it at that.

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Slut Shaming – Expert talk by Kyra Kramer