Richard III vestment, photo from Catholic Herald
Richard III is stealing the limelight this week with it being Richard III Reinterment week!
- The Telegraph "The burial of Richard III: viewer's guide" - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/tvandradio/11488151/The-burial-of-Richard-III-viewers-guide.html
- For information on Channel 4's coverage of the Richard III Reinterment events, see Week of exclusive live programming for burial of King Richard III
- Richard III: We’re burying the wrong body
- Cardinal to wear vestment ‘from wardrobe of King Richard III’
- Richard III: Long queues to view coffin
- Leicester Cathedral forced to stay open as huge crowds turn out to view the coffin of Richard III
- 'Even Richard III would be bored of himself by now': Critics attack 'undignified pantomime' of King's reburial as tourists queue up to view coffin in Leicester Cathedral, another classic Daily Mail headline!
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