The Tudor Society

Apologies for server issues

(Not a real photo of our server!)

(Not a real photo of our server!)


Some of you may have noticed that the Tudor Society has been offline for around 12 hours - our server had a major fault which we've now resolved but will be keeping a close eye on.

We're really sorry that the site went down and hope you can understand and forgive us.

Tim & the Tudor Society Team.

There are 3 comments Go To Comment

  1. O

    Yes but don’t you feel like doing that to the computer when the website breaks? 🙂
    Of course we forgive you! It’s not your fault.

  2. A - Post Author

    Thanks Olga. Yes. I often feel like that with computers 🙂

  3. T

    Love the photo! We forgive you. Computers seem to have a mind of their own at times.

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Apologies for server issues