The Tudor Society

9 January

Warning: In today's "on this day in Tudor history" video, I do describe what being hanged, drawn and quartered involved so feel free to fast forward that bit!

Today's "on this day" is about the executions of two of the men involved in the alleged Exeter Conspiracy of 1538. I hope you enjoy it.

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  1. R

    Set up by Thomas Cromwell.

  2. R

    Let’s face it, they couldn’t get Reginald Pole who probably was guilty and by now Henry was so paranoid that Cromwell could easily persuade him that the slightest evidence was really enough to prove information about a design to kill him. The Pole family had agreed to the Supremacy but now they were being sent out of the world because they were proper Plantagenets and more Royal than Henry Viii whose father barely had and legitimate blood or royal blood at all.

    1. C - Post Author

      Yes, I believe it was pure revenge for Cardinal Pole’s actions. Awful.

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9 January