The Tudor Society

3 January

In today's "on this day in Tudor history" video, I look at 3rd January 1540 and 1541 and examine how different they were for Anne of Cleves.

And, yes, I get upstaged by my pets!

You can find out more about Anne of Cleves in my three-part video series on her:

There are 3 comments Go To Comment

  1. L

    Really enjoyed chat

  2. R

    It’s a great pity that Henry didn’t wait until his official meeting as they were now meeting with grace and pomp and much welcome. He hadn’t left his manners behind and in public he treated Anne as she should have been treated. What was wrong with the stupid man? So she didn’t fall into your arms and recognise you, Harry, get over it and marry the poor woman. After all, you are no beauty yourself! Ha.

    They really pushed the boat out with golden tents, golden robes, golden food, fine wine, a big show and a huge fortune no doubt.

    I think Anne probably enjoyed herself a year later, dancing and feasting with the new Queen, she was very gracious to her former lady in waiting and Katherine tried to make her feel at home.

    By the way, enjoyed watching your lovely cat and dog in the background. Do they demand to be addressed in regal terms? Our cat certainly thought she was a Queen.

    1. C - Post Author

      Yes, it is a shame that Henry jumped the gun. I wonder what would have happened if he’d left it until the official meeting.

      The cats certainly think they’re royal, but the dogs not so much!

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3 January