The Tudor Society

Transcript of livechat with Tracy Borman – Henry VIII’s men

What a wonderful live chat we had last night with Tracy Borman. We were chatting about Henry VIII and his men. Tracy was the perfect guest and we had a record turn-out. Congratulations to the winner of the book too.

Here is the transcript for those who missed the chat. Hope you can make our next one!
Live Chat Transcript Tracey Borman Henry VIII men

There are 2 comments Go To Comment

  1. L

    Thanks Claire, for the chat! Tracy is so knowledgeable and it was great to be able to hear her views on Henry and his men!!

  2. R

    Yes, thought it was eleven p.m as usual and didn’t check. I was watching a streaming live Boss session, pre recorded of course because of the thing but a great session. Jamie Webster does them all over the world for Liverpool fans. He is a local guitarist and folk singer. So I was watching him at 9 and then tuned into the chat to discover I had missed it.

    Oh well, next time.

    Cheers for hosting and the transcript.

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Transcript of livechat with Tracy Borman – Henry VIII’s men