What did the Tudors wear as underwear?
Find out in this short video…
[Read More...]In this edition of Teasel's Tudor trivia, Teasel and Claire talk about the different fabrics that were used to make clothes during the medieval and Tudor period - linen, wool, lawn, buckram, silk, velvet, taffeta, satin, sarsenet (sarcenet), damask, cloth of gold, cloth of silver, cloth of tissue and caffa, as well as the furs, ermine and miniver.
You can find out more about Tudor costume in Claire's detailed talks on the subject:
Videos mentioned:
Further reading:
This time last year, Anne Clinard Barnhill, author of “At the Mercy of the Queen”, “Queen Elizabeth’s Daughter” and several other books, was our expert speaker. She gave us a demonstration of Tudor clothing, actually dressing herself, and talking to us about Tudor clothing and socio-economic status, culture and symbolism. It was a wonderful talk given by a lady who was passionate about the subject.
Sadly, Anne passed away yesterday. I’d never met her but I’d known her in a ‘virtual’ sense since the first days of the Anne Boleyn Files. She was a beautiful person through and through, a wonderful novelist, and a huge support and encouragement to me personally and to many others in the online Tudor history world. Anne will be truly missed.
[Read More...]Author, historian and Tudor enthusiast, Anne Barnhill, has prepared this wonderful talk about Tudor clothing and socio-economic status, culture and symbolism during the Tudor era. Anne wears some of her own Tudor clothing, and takes us through from underwear to outerwear.
[Read More...]A few months ago I highlighted the news about the Bacton Altar Cloth, which is believed to have been cut from a gown once worn by Queen Elizabeth I. Well, it’s been back in the news because experts have concluded that “all the evidence points to it having once been a skirt worn by the Tudor queen, making it the only known survivor of her famously lavish wardrobe”. It is thought that it could be the skirt that matches the bodice worn by Elizabeth I in the Rainbow Portrait.
[Read More...]In today’s Claire Chats video I talk about that essential accessory of the Elizabethan era, the ruff, and how it developed over time and how fashions changed.
[Read More...]Test your knowledge on Tudor children’s clothes with this fun quiz.
[Read More...]In today’s Claire Chats video I talk about what the children of wealthy families wore in Henry VIII’s reign.
[Read More...]Enjoy this quiz on Tudor men’s clothes.
[Read More...]Following on from last week’s Claire Chat’s video on Tudor women’s costume, today I’m looking at what men wore at Henry VIII’s court.
[Read More...]A fun quiz on the costume worn by women in the Tudor period.
[Read More...]In this week’s Claire Chats, I look at what women at Henry VIII’s court wore and what layers their outfits were made up of. I do hope you enjoy the talk and slides.
[Read More...]Test your knowledge of Tudor clothing.
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