In today's edition of Teasel's Tudor Trivia, Teasel and I look at the practice of heart and entrails burial.
Was it common to bury the heart and entrails separately from the rest of the body in medieval and Tudor times?
Why would people have their organs and body buried separately?
I answer these questions and also give real examples, including those of prominent Tudor people and royalty.
For a more detailed look at heart burial, see Burial in Tudor times – Part 2: Embalming and heart and entrails burial
Enjoyed! In fact I am discussing with Lynn, where various parts I leave behind may forever rest. It really is great cocktail time conversation!! We have visited Both R1’s spots, but learned that during the French Rev he and his parent’s tombs were opened and the remains scattered. Also, St. Denis Cathedral in Paris, several Royal French hearts can be found.
Thank you, Claire! Really, really interesting. Michelle t