The Tudor Society

August’s Live Chats – 24 and 30 August – The Stewarts and William Shakespeare

As always, we have two live chats this month, an informal one and an expert Q&A session.

Both chats last an hour and are open to all full members. They take place in the Tudor Society chatroom, which can be found at

Our informal live chat is on The Stewarts (the Stuarts) and will take place on Saturday 24th August. The idea of the informal live chats is for members to dive in with their comments, opinions, book recommendations etc. and to pose questions to each other on the topic. Anything that is topic-related. Claire attends to moderate, and to take part too.

Here are the times for the chat in different time zones:

Our expert live chat will take place on Friday 30th August and is with Cassidy Cash, an expert on William Shakespeare. Do watch Cassidy's wonderful talk - - and then you can ask her questions on her talk, Shakespeare in general, and also Cassidy's work.

Here are the times for the chat in different time zones:

I'm sure both chats will be educational and a lot of fun, they always are!

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